by Rabbi Shmully Hecht
With the Grace of G-d
Macho Timche Es Zecher Amalek
Though shall eradicate all trace of Amelek
I have seen my enemy
a massacre an atrocity;
Heinous barbarity
For all the world to see
I shall Annihilate IT with all my might
It does not discern wrong from right;
And liberate humanity,
Asian, Latin, black and white
Reminiscent of a primitive time
murder, torture, rape;
humans in the pillory,
they snapped the human nape.
Battles of Greece and Rome,
Fowl winds of an ancient world;
lances, spears, swords, -they killed,
guillotine and waterboard
I have pondered the crusades,
And read of Jews of Spain;
Grabbed their children, fled,
As they wept and bled
And in the modern world,
gruesome smell of Zyklon B;
gallows and OPEN pits,
For all denizens to see.
Ghettos, Warsaw, Lodz
Kishinev, Babi Yaar;
Auschwitz and Treblinka,
Barbarians is what they are
Evil regimes, blood thirsty tyrants,
brainwash and oppress;
Innocent people young and old,
Hate they do profess.
The devil reappeared
On Simchas Torah, Jewish day of dance;
Make no mistake about it,
This was not happenstance
In sweeping pastures as we danced
we were murdered at point blank;
But that was not enough,
Let us be totally frank
On playgrounds and open roads
In their beds and cribs;
beheaded and burned alive,
They murdered our innocent Kids
To incarcerate, assassinate
Mutilate, obliterate;
Dis-create, and extirpate,
Hack to death
They have redefined the word; HATE
Then on motorcades they returned,
With our beautiful children like a cattle herd;
Begging for Abba, Ema, Dad, Mom,
God in heaven have you not heard?
Holocaust survivors,
heroes of our time;
Were dragged with loved ones,
yours and mine;
Can it happen again,
in this modern time;
It has indeed,
An unbearable crime.
They kidnapped our sister
on a motorbike;
Filmed the footage,
Savages did strike
She begged she shrieked
To her lover in tow;
dragged by beasts,
a horror show
Troglodytes of another kind
Unconceivable in any mind;
Weve lived through hell, an agonizing week,
The enemy’s obliteration we must now seek
Yet, wholesale murder on Jewish land
For the enemy did not suffice;
Hostages they now keep,
A pogrom not once, but twice
Kidnapped elderly
and infirm;
Our fathers and mothers
boys and girls;
To underground bunkers of a town
they created;
A hell on earth
yet they are… elated
parading around
with naked corpses;
humans slayed
like diseased horses;
humanity shall attest
that the enemy shall die;
with no reprieve
we shall cry
their own innocent children
live in squalor;
a choice they made
they call it Honor
Blame it on
Zionist jews,
in Tel Aviv
and Jerusalem:
an unfathomable lie
the sinister sin;
The Islamic World’s sin
Occupation a myth
A fiction;
Jews Left Gaza
with conviction
The subsequent Islamic occupiers
Murder and slay;
Kill their own people
For being Gay
We shall universally coin
a new phrase,
Lest Jews are forgotten
in the biased haze
Jewmanitarian Crisis: Jewmanitarian Crisis: Jewmanitarian Crisis!
It shall be;
Or the UN can close down,
If Jews can’t be free
A Pogrom in the Holy land
A wholesale kidnapping
A Pogrom Twice,
Holding hostage their own people
A pogrom Thrice
The nemesis of freedom,
Defying truth, justice and liberty;
Has raised its head again,
For all the world did see
And our adversary found its comrades
Not worthy of a given name
With no fraction of humanity
They simply have no shame.
We shall never forget the silent
As they watch and stand by;
So Naïve…for they will be next
For celebrating, as others die
Alas, I have seen my enemy
a massacre an atrocity
Heinous barbarity
For all the world to see
I shall annihilate IT with all my might
It does not discern wrong from right
And liberate humanity,
Asian, Latin, black and white
Yet I have also seen my friends
Nobility, the human race;
I can see your face
forever to embrace
It is to you I write this elegy
Of affection and love;
you stood up for humanity
like Manna from above
In ancient odes and chronicles
I’ve engaged with loyal friends;
In the annals of history,
at all turns and bends
For Taking risk amidst the mayhem
G-d will surely bless you;
History’s memory, a legacy,
has been freshly written, anew.
I have examined your heroism
In early human times;
I embrace your posterity
Intolerant of today’s crimes
Dauntless and courageous,
You hailed from far and near;
Rescuing innocent neighbors
saving Jews, you volunteered;
Poles hid Jews in cellars
Albanians fed us in the dark;
French kept up the resistance
As the Gestapo snarled and barked
You stormed the beach of Normandy
Petrified you swam
To fight the Nazis then Commies
And broke the Berlin Dam
I have seen you in the White House
In the congress and the Senate;
Roaming city Hall,
grace, tact and tenet
Sleepless nights at the Pentagon
The FBI and CIA;
President Biden, Your spirit is defiant,
In war against evil there is no grey
You heroes span the globe
Hence we have chatted online;
I have met you on the street
In your home and mine
With tears I read your notes
Of compassion and love;
As they murder the innocent,
Gentle as a dove.
To stand up when its tough
Your mom taught you well;
to protect the innocent,
When enduring living hell
On the bow of the Eisenhower
You sail the mighty sea
heroes of US military
that keep the whole world free
Our brothers in the marine corp,
gallant navy seals on deck;
Pilots in the cockpit
Destroy the enemy! make a wreck!
In the classrooms and libraries
You argue with the fools;
Who, though so very educated,
Are the liars tools
For justice and for truth
You contest with reason;
Be it times of peace or war
In every place and every season!
You demonstrate for liberty,
values of the West;
You - the Nations of the World
Yes You. humanities best
I’ve observed you at the rallies,
To show your face, you ran;
New York, Toronto, London,
Even Shibuya Japan
Christian brothers
Have reached out,
Tibetan resisters
Raised a shout;
Op-eds of love
Weve all received,
Mormons, atheist
All bereaved
Catholics, Hindus
Women, men;
Have raised a clamor
Never again
I can see you in the crowd
I truly love you all;
I can see you in my dreams,
We shall dance again at the ball
Indeed I have seen my friends
Nobility, the human race;
I can see your face
forever to embrace
It is to you I pen this elegy
Of affection and love
you stood up for humanity
you have done so with love
And I have also seen the Jew,
Divine Nation, this is true;
A small people, just a few,
I know you’ve seen him too
Of no particular color
I have the seen the Jew
Racial trace or mother tongue,
He’s just like me and you
Our father Abraham
Sought to save the few,
Of Sodom and Amora
That he would accrue
Our leader Moses
Challenged G-d too;
Despite decrees of Pharoah
And the Egyptian curfew
Queen Esther pled for her nation
The Purim story, Its true
Chana gave her seven boys
Who tragically never grew
I’ve seen the Jews of the middle ages
Expelled with no clue;
Of where to run, hide or turn
As the inquisition blew
Burned at the stake
for preaching One;
God on Earth
The stars, moon and Sun
Jews of Damasus, 1840
Tortured for crimes they never knew;
I have seen Jews
blamed for every coup
First they called us communists
Then Capitalists and Gay;
Free Markets and slavery
A new libel every day
And I have seen the jews of excellence
For this I have no shame;
Nobels, Rhodes and Pulitzers
Too many too name
It was the Jews Who stood up
for African American rights;
Marched with Martin Luther King
Taking America to New Heights
To liberate women,
we did our share,
Indeed a chosen people
Taught the world to care
And to you my students
I loudly utter;
A lexicon of praise,
there is no other
Be Champions of freedom,
partisans on the rail line;
as your classmates spew hate
and senior faculty do whine,
proportionality, sectionality
they have simply lost their minds;
this is the war for liberty
despite their tenured blinds
Ivy league naivete,
University bubble;
modern swamps, the new jungle,
Fascist rhetoric they mumble
Stand as Jews
Like generations so humble
the academy is at stake
the west will fall if we fumble
In the biased media
jew-hatred you will discover;
radical liars and bigots
anti-semites, mankind’s other
don’t hunker down in your in your dorm
or stand in back of your lecture hall;
say Hineieni I am ready
have the guts… have the gall
Had they murdered blacks
Or butchered gays,
you can be rest assured;
this deafening silence
you now hear
would not have been deffered;
they would’ve raised their voices and expel;
revoke tenure and raise hell
The hypocrisy of BLM
the deviancy of all that’s woke;
will echo for generations
“Our Universities are on coke”
Free discourse has been hijacked
the academy has lost its way
but the jews have never cowered
the Jew has never swayed
When they hung black boys in Mississippi
Alabama and Tennessee;
It was the Jews who got on buses
To make this country free
So say Hineieni I am ready
To restore the glory of free speech
Don’t be silent when they spew hatred
The first amendment is a two way street!
The plague of lies is not local
In this city of the Elm;
But it is our duty to raise our voices
And Yale will take the helm
Professors call me all the time
And in a whisper ask to dine;
To express convictions, I assure you
Are aligned with yours and mine
If Athens elects to disappear
Thereby closing the American mind
Drop out now and abandon ship
Let’s Leave the lunatics behind
And I have seen the Jew
A Divine Nation, this is true
A small people of just a few
Surley you have met her too
Of no particular color
I have the seen the Jew;
Racial trace or mother tongue,
He’s just like me and you
From the hilltops of Judea
To Yale’s old campus, Harvard Square;
I have seen the Jewish Nation,
Lions everywhere
Strangers run to JFK
To purchase tickets for our young boys;
And fill their bags with all their needs
Amidst the terminal, amidst the noise
We’re here to help they howl
There is no limit to what ill do;
When Jewish People go to war
Jews that look like me and you
As the call-up spread around the globe
They grabbed their friends, who said, “alright;”
We too will fly to Israel
In the darkness of night
Cargo planes packed with supplies
That volunteers sent, as mothers cried;
Mi kiamcha Yisroel
Go my son catch your flight
Landing on the tarmac
Of airport ben Gurion;
off to war we go
Jewish Youth One by one
Grab your luggage
soldiers first;
the cockpit announcement
loud and clear;
let them off to
fight the war;
descending the front
and the airplanes rear
On buses they go,
Some caught cabs;
As their kinsman of Jerusalem
Threw them bags;
Go my daughter
Go my son;
Off to war
Get it done
From work and school
The Jews do run
To save the captives
And say we won we won
Elderly Light candles in Tel Aviv
Holding a daughter, a young son;
Shema Yisroel Hear Oh Israel
The lord our God the Lord is one
Secular, religious we came together
A Nation of lions, the world should know;
Left and right, we stand forever
Am Yisroel Chai, our land we shall sow
to the front lines of the battlefield
well march with pride;
on roaring tanks side by side;
as the shopkeepers wave, flags with pride;
from the narrow sidewalks
on both sides
In roaring jets young boys fly
flight crews on runways say goodbye;
to our best and brightest
that didn’t seek this war
brought upon us, indeed one more.
Shema Yisroel Adonai Elohienu
Please g-d save us, we beg you we love you;
Adoinai Echad the Lord is one
Shine on us brightly until we’ve won
Gam Ki Eiliech Bigai Zalmaves Loi Irah Rah Ke Atah Emadi.
Even in the valleys of the shadows of death
I fear no evil for you are with me;
Mendel Beilis Hannah Senesh,
Captain Dreyfus our referees
Am lavadad yishkon
A nation alone does dwell;
Faithful fearless,
Even in living hell;
Vigar Ziav In Keves, Vinamer im Gdi Yirbatz, vieigel ukfir umri yachdav, vinaar katan noheg bohem
And the Day shall come
Its Isaiah Eleven;
The wolf will live with the sheep,
Yes on earth, not on heaven
The leopard will lie down
with the goat;
The Prophet
The calf with the lion
and fatling;
as a young lad
Who I ask is that child
that the Prophet does see;
perhaps a sophomore in this room
Moshiach Now, the whole world free.
A call for action
to live as Jews;
Men don the Tefiilin
Roll up your sleeves
Women light Shabos candles
On Friday eve;
And the blessing of Peace
The world shall receive
Who I ask is that child
that the Prophet does see;
perhaps a sophomore in this room
Moshiach Now, the whole world free.
For I have seen the Jew
A Divine Nation, this is true;
A small people of just a few
Surely you’ve met her too
Of no particular color
Racial trace or mother tongue,
I have the seen the Jew
He’s just like me and you